A guide to building classes


Have you ever browsed through auction catalogs, or online property descriptions and seen building classes used and wondered what they were?

This week I have compiled a list of class types as a handy reference.

The single letter and number definition denote the specific planning use class which is assigned to determine what a property may be used for by its legal occupants. These are specified in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987, issued on the 1st June 1987, which replaced the previous versions issued in 1972 & 1983.

Investors may want to investigate the government leniencies on the permitted change of use for commercial buildings (specifically those of a B1(a) Class) into residential C3. Other class changes may also be possible via permitted development and landlord tenant deposit rules law planning proposals. I have indicated under each property class current permitted change definitions.

A1: Shops, post offices, travel agents, internet cafes, premises used to sell goods or services, premises used to display and sell goods. (Excludes loan shops and betting offices).

Permitted change:

A1, A2 up to 2 flats. 

Up to 2 years temporary status to A2, A3, B1. 

Up to 2 years temporary status subject to planning approval to  A2, A3, C3, D2.

A2: Professional services (except medical and health) / financial services (Excludes loan shops and betting offices).

Permitted change:

A1 only where there is a ground floor display window

A1, A2 up to 2 flats. 

Up to 2 years temporary status to A2, A3, B1. 

Up to 2 years temporary status subject to approval to  A3, C3, D2.

A3: Premises selling food and drink, cafes, restaurants.

Permitted change:

C1, C2.

Up to 2 years temporary status to A1, A2, B1. 

A4: Drinking establishments (excluding nightclubs).

Permitted change:

A3, AA.

A5: Hot food takeaways.

Permitted change:

A1, A2 or A3.

Up to 2 years temporary status to A1, A2, A3, B1.

AA: Drinking establishments with food provision.

Permitted change:


B1: Business.

B1(a): Offices (except those which fall into A2 categorisation).

B1(b): R&D of products and processes.

B1(c): Light industry suitable for location in a residential area.

Permitted change:


Subject to planning approval B1(a) to C3.

Up to 2 years temporary status to A1, A2, A3.

Subject to planning approval state-funded school or nursery.

Subject to planning approval B1(c) to C3 (applicable from 1 October 2017 – 30 September 2020).

B2: General industrial for processes which other than in B1 (excluding chemical treatment, incineration, hazardous waste, landfill).

Permitted change:

B1, B8.

B8: Distribution, storage, and open-air storage.

Permitted change:


Subject to planning approval C3 (Permitted change of use ends 15 April 2018).

C1: Hotels, guest houses, boarding (excluding care provision).

Permitted change:

Subject to planning approval state-funded school/nursery.

C2: Residential institutions providing accommodation; hospitals, nursing homes, training centers, residential schools, colleges.

Permitted change:

Subject to planning approval state-funded school/nursery.

C3: Dwelling houses.

C3(a): A single person or a family.

C3(b): A single household with up to six people living together receiving care via supported housing schemes.

C3(c): Up to six people living together as a single household.

Permitted change:


C4: Small Houses in Multiple Occupation.

Three to six unrelated individuals sharing basic amenities such as a bathroom and kitchen as their main residence.

Permitted change:


D1: Non-residential institutions.

Places of worship, museums, day nurseries, clinics, health centers, Non-residential training centers and educational centers, libraries.

Permitted change:

Up to 2 years temporary status to A1, A2, A3, B1.

D2: Assembly and leisure.

Gymnasiums, swimming baths, areas for indoor or outdoor sports and recreation, cinemas, bingo halls, music and concert halls.

Permitted change:

Subject to planning approval state-funded school or nursery.

Up to 2 years temporary status to A1, A2, A3, B1.

Sui Generis: Agricultural buildings.

Permitted change:

Subject to planning approval C3.

A1, A2, A3, B1, B8, C1.

Subject to planning approval D2.

Subject to planning approval state-funded school or nursery.

Sui Generis: Betting shops and payday loan shops.

Permitted change:

A1, A2, A3.

Subject to planning approval D2.

A1/A2 and up to 2 flats only where there is a ground floor display window.

Betting shops and Pay Day Loan Shops and up to 2  flats.

Subject to planning approval C3.

Up to 2 years temporary status to A1, A2, A3, B1.

Sui Generis: Casinos and amusement arcades.

Permitted change:

Subject to planning approval A3.

Subject to planning approval C3.


Disclaimer: This is a general guide, do not use this in place of advice from official bodies.


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